Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Will India emerge as super-power with the following stats?
China has got lot of resources and its literacy rate is high 95%. In India the

literacy rate is just 73%. Is it easy to educate the masses of india? Too difficult..

Item Quantity of measure India China Brazil USA Russia Canada
Iron thousand metric tons 110 280 220 54 95 31
Copper metric tons 28,800 620,000 98,700 1,160,000 675,000 nil
Aluminium thousand metric tons 898 7800 1499 2481 3647 2894
Magnesium metric tons 470,000 6000 w 45000 54000
Manganese thousand metric tons 1700(630) 4500(900) 2732(1300) nil nil nil
Mica metric tons 3700 5000 78,100 100,000 17,500
Gold kilograms 3800 215,000 40,500 258,000 169,237 128,504
Silver metric tons 13 2,450 32 1,250 1,277 1,336
Tin metric tons nil 110,000 12,200 nil 2,500 nil
Natural Diamond thousand carats nil 100 300 nil 23,000 12,300
Bauxite thousand metric tons 11,285 15,000 18,500 nil 6,000 nil
Asbestos metric tons 19,000 520,000 195,000 nil 925,000 200,000
Coal metric tons 400 1,980 nil 960 210 nil
Petroleum thousand m^3 / day nil 576 nil 1,382 1,474 499

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